Priser för cykeluthyrning

Hyr landsvägscyklar i kolfiber med skivbromsar på Costa Blanca med det ledande cykeluthyrningsföretaget Blanca Bikes. Gratis leverans och upphämtning av cyklar finns i Denia, Javea, Calpe, Benidorm, Jalon-dalen och alla omgivande områden för alla hyror på 4 dagar eller mer. Leverans- och hämtningstider är mellan 8-11 och 16-19.

Priser för cykeluthyrning

Göra Modell Pris - 1 dag Pris - 3 dagar Pris - 5 dagar Pris - 7 dagar
CERVELO Caledonia Rival eTAP AXS €35 92 € €140 184 €
CERVELO Caledonia-5 Rival eTAP AXS 40 € 105 € 160 € €210
CERVELO Solist Rival eTAP AXS 40 € 105 € 160 € €210
CERVELO Aspero Rival EXPLR e-TAP AXS 45 € 118 € €180 €236
CERVELO Aspero-5 Force EXPLR e-TAP AXS 55 € 144 € €220 €288
CERVELO S5 Kraft €95 €285 €475 550 €

Säker cykelförvaring

Vi tillhandahåller säker cykelförvaring för dina egna cyklar om du har valt att inte hyra från Blanca Bikes!


Flygplats Överföringar

Flygplatstransfer tillhandahålls av Blanca Bikes från Alicante eller Valencia flygplats mot en extra kostnad baserat på antalet gäster/passagerare. De flesta av våra gäster flyger till Alicante, men vi har möjlighet att hämta dig från Valencias flygplats om du vill. Vi äger våra egna transportfordon så att vi kan vara flexibla efter dina behov om du meddelar oss i förväg om eventuella speciella önskemål. Efter bokningen ger vi dig detaljerad information om din upphämtningsplats på flygplatsen.

Antal passagerare Kostnad enkel resa
1 – 4 personer €156.00
5 personer €182.25
6 personer €216.00
7 – 8 personer €229.50
9 – 11 personer €266.00
12 – 14 personer €282.75
15 – 17 personer €340.75
18 – 26 personer €390.00


Boutiquehotellet drivs personligen av Blanca Bikes-teamet och har utformats för att erbjuda cyklister en avkopplande oas i händelsernas centrum. Alla rum har designats individuellt och nyligen totalrenoverats, vilket kombinerar en blandning av traditionell spansk charm med modern lyx.

Oavsett om du är här för träning eller en mer avslappnad cykelsemester, kommer Blanca boutique cykelboende och Javea (Xabia) inte att lämna dig besviken. Vi ligger bara några sekunder från de charmiga historiska gatorna i Javea (Xabia) gamla stan och San Bartolomé-kyrkan.

Bara några meter bort hittar du några av de bästa tapasrestaurangerna inbäddat längs de idylliska livliga gatorna, perfekt för en vino eller öl efter en hård dags cykling runt de berömda vägarna på Costa Blanca.


Frukost ingår, som serveras i matsalen på pensionatet varje morgon.


Jacqueline Coleman
Jacqueline Coleman
Great stay here for 2 weeks. Couldn’t have asked for anything more. Blancabikes looked after me and very well and took care of all my needs. This is a brilliant place to come to for training, and only being a 5 minute ride from the coast, you have all the cafes and restaurants you could ask for. I would seriously recommend to anyone looking a cycling getaway.
Joost van Leeuwen
Joost van Leeuwen
What a great place to rent a bicycle at Blanca Bikes to explore the area around Xabia (Javéa)! Perfect bikes of very high quality (I rented the Cervélo Solist Rival). And I very much liked the professionalism and kindness of Nigel who helped me getting this unforgettable experience!
Kirstie Annable
Kirstie Annable
We used Bianca bikes for a transfer from Alicante to Calpe, 4 people with 4 bike boxes. Super slick, the driver was waiting for us in arrivals at the airport and we were straight into the private bus parked outside. They even helped us with a mechanical in Parcent on our last day free of charge. Thank you.
Ken Sung
Ken Sung
This was my first experience on a bike camp and I would recommend Blanca Bikes for anyone interested in a great cycling adventure. The staff was great, breakfast every morning was world class, and the cycling in the Xabia area is world class.
Unreal 3 days riding with Blanca! A very friendly and relaxed atmosphere, friendly staff, something for everyone. We were a group of 4 medium / keen cyclists and couldn’t have been better - some stupidly nice routes around the area, the bikes we were given the best bikes we’ve ever ridden and the breakfast in the morning sorted us right out. Couldn’t recommend this enough! Cheers to Nigel Peter and the rest of the team for sorting us out
Geoff Bennett
Geoff Bennett
Blanca Bikes were awesome at providing supported rides with postcard views on fantastic bikes, located centrally in excellent accommodation with the best breakfast to start the day. Will recommend Blanca Bikes to all my cycling mates!
Paul Major
Paul Major
First impressions: Clearly the team Blanca Bikes’ mission is to create the perfect cycling vibe - friendly, bustling and full of enthusiasm. Or perhaps it’s simply in their collective DNA. Either way, as soon as I crossed the threshold of Blanca Bikes Hostal, it felt like my spiritual cycling home - I had arrived! My all carbon bike was ready, prepped and patiently awaiting the addition of SPD pedals and my Garmin Edge slotting reassuringly into the pre-installed seat. Plug & play - attention to detail & life made easy! Stage (guided ride) 2 and we’ve got our champion rider in the breakaway; one final ‘sticky bottle’ feed from the service vehicle and we press on for success. The Director Sportive isn’t taking anything for granted, barking orders and encouragement into the team radio - crossing the finish line, arms now held aloft following the expressed recognition towards the BB Logo!! Everyone is utterly charmed and the Blanca Bikes palmerés records yet another deserved achievement - more delighted customers ready to sing the praises on a thoroughly positive and enjoyable cycling experience. On the podium for the GC this year, for sure - a Costs Blanca ‘Grand’ Tour, in every sense of the word! Chapeau!!
James Helme
James Helme
Awesome service. Cant rate Blanca Bikes high enough. Peter sorted me with a ride with very little notice, super flexible in my requests, and gave some excellent suggested route. I'd really recommend.